A new inFORMAT catalog
The FARM company issued a new inFORMAT catalog.
The new catalog includes writing tools, office products,& paper storage supplies which are held in one booklet instead of separate catalogs as it used to be before.
The catalog contains of about 1000 items, but the users will not be lost in such abundance.
A simple intuitive menu helps to find the desired items easily. Even inexperienced customers can cope with it.
All the parts are easy to be found thanks to the detailed contents & subheadings. Long-standing FARM partners get twice as much pleasure as before. The previous inner design the users were accustomed to will make it easier to operate. The goods presented on the catalog pages are supplied with illustrations, detailed descriptions & colouring index. The clients can order the new catalog from the company managers. It’s also presented in an electronic form for faster delivery & easier maintainance. PDF files can be sent by email or distributed on CD
Modern customers accustomed to rapid search for information will appreciate the digital media high.